Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Women of Joy

This the " Women of Joy" at the Women of Joy conference in Sevierville, Tn. We had a Great time listening to speakers and hearing incredible praise and worship music!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is Josh playing Soccer at Madison County High School. They won that day!!! This was the JV's last game of the season. Their was parents on the Madison side that were not happy that we won. Josh has really enjoyed playing this year. We have had several people to say that he really plays good defense. His coach said that he had a lot of potential.
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Trip in the snow to visit

The boys and I decided to walk down to Daddy's to see him. It felt like the Little House on the Prairie days walking down there. We stood there on his porch watching people go up and down the road. We watched it snow, too. Those were the biggest snow flakes that I have seen sense I was little. I am glad the boys got to see it snow so much and play in it while they are still young.

The Winter Storm of the Year- I hope!

We had 5 inches of snow yesterday!!! It started out to be just rain all day Saturday and part of Sunday. We went to church Sunday morning with it raining very heavily. After church we had to go to Athens to meet a man at the Varsity. As we got closer to Athens it went from rain to sleet to all snow. It was collecting on the roads. We kept on going though and by the time we go to the Varsity to eat it was about a 1/2 of a inch on the ground. We ate and waited for the man to show up that we were meeting. The boys got to play in the snow and throw snow balls at each other. We meet with the man then left to come home. It took us about an extra 30 min. to get home. Slow going coming home. After we got home as you can see we played in the snow. It was fun throwing snow balls at each other. At about 5:00pm Sunday night our precious power went off!!! It would be off until about 9:00am Monday morning. All we had was a little heat coming out of the wood heater. It brought back memories of the Blizzard of 1993. Jenn we know how you have felt this winter. It got down to 50 dregrees in our house! Needless to say the boys were out of school today. They have had a really good time playing in it! It was so pretty coming down and on the ground.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can't talk

All weekend my ear hurt and by Sunday my throat was hurting. So Monday morning I deciding that I probably needed to go to the doctor. Well I am glad that I went on and made that appointment. The doctor said that my throat was red and my ears were dull. So he put me on a antibiotic and allergy medicine. I could talk when I went to the doctor. Well by the time I got home my voice was going. By the time I went to bed my voice was gone. This morning my throat is still sore and my voice is not good at all. I started taking the medicine last night so I hope that my throat and voice gets better. Well got to get busy. I have a busy day today. I hope everybody has a good day today. Love everybody!

Went to Ooltewah to see a precious little boy and his family

We went this weekend, Brenda, Daddy, Josh , Caleb and I, to Tennessee to see little Alex, Michelle and Todd's little boy, be dedicated. He was so so precious. He loved his cousin Caleb! His great-granddaddy told him the story of the Little old lady who ate the fly. It was so funny! Alex was totally paying attention to him though. We got to hear Jennifer's voice Sunday morning as they had the webcam on the computer at the church so that she could watch the dedication. Alex was a perfect little one during his dedication. We all went out to eat at Cracker Barrel afterward with Todd's family. We had 14 people I think. We visited Saturday and Sunday with Vicky, Mike, Todd, Michelle and Alex. Saturday night a friend of Michelle's and second daughter and neice to the rest of us, Whitney, came over to see all of us and ate supper with us. We had so much fun at supper that night! Between Mike and Todd they kept us entertained! I love going to my sister Vicky's house!!! I always feel so at home and have so much fun!!! We came home late Sunday afternoon. We had a good trip home.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bible Study and seeing a precious baby

Hi everybody! It is late but I decided that I'd write what we did on our last week day of winter break. I went to my Beth Moore bible study this morning. We are studying Ester this time and it is just incredable!!! I have already learned so much and we are only in our 3rd week. We meet every Friday morning at Royston baptist. After I got through with Bible study Josh, Caleb, Daddy and I went to see precious little Anna Beth. She is just so cute!!! She was eating when we got there and after that Jeanan let me hold her. She looked all over the place and finally went to sleep. She is just so good. She never even cried or whimpered. We had a very good visit with Jeanan and little Anna Beth.
After that Brenda went out to eat a late lunch with us at Cracker Barrel. After that we came home and I straightened up around here. Kevin and I went down to his daddy's house to look for some pictures of Kirby when he was little. Kay is having a surprise 50th birthday party for Kirby next Friday night. Someone else I know is going to be having her 50th birthday coming up real soon! hehe Well it is getting late and I need to go to bed so that we can get up in the morning to go to see some people in TN. Love everybody!